Thursday, July 1, 2010

Great Ideas

Great ideas only strike at night, when it's somewhere in the early hours of the morning and all you want to do is fall asleep. They strike when you're rolling things around in your head trying to push everything away and clear your mind. Great ideas can e two types; either genuinely amazing ideas or ideas of greatness, and trust me, they are two entirely different things.

A genuinely amazing idea can be something like a project, or an article like this one in a notebook at 3 AM. An idea of greatness, on the other hand, is what is known was a dream, but a special kind of dream in which you are truly great. It's an idea on how to achieve this higher state of greatness and success. Tonight, I stumbled upon one of those (the second kind), and it's left me with insomnia, and a a feeling of uselessness in the pit of my stomach.

It's true, I'm always hard on myself. I expect way too much of my 15 year old self. And I tell you, no one is truly great at 15 years old except maybe actors and aliens (of which I am neither!).

My idea of greatness (or at least the one I had last night) involved me being an acclaimed photographer or a well known blogger, and to be honest, a bunch of other random things I wont share. I will put it all down to my over ambition because I dt want to analyze anything at the moment. I want to go to bed. You see though, every chain of great ideas pulls along another chain of great ideas, untill you're left with this TRAIN of thoughts that you have to work on pushing to the back of you're mind to try (obviously in vain) to fall asleep.

So maybe my 3-AM-ideas of greatness are far fetched, and maybe I am pushing myself too farfor a 15 year old, but I wonder ... Will it all lead anywhere? All these great ideas I keep having, will they eventually lead to success?Or will I be too busy mulling stuff over in my head to acctually 'make it'.

Here we go again though,another chain reaction of thoughts. Where will this lead? I don't know really.

Reader, what were you like at 15?

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