Monday, July 12, 2010

An entry from the big city

I'm pleased to say that I am finally home. It's taken forever to get internet access but I have it now so, yippee?
Well, today is the 12th and I got here on the 7th so there's a lot to chronicle.

The 7th:
I got home fairly tired from my flight, but ok otherwise. We met up with a neighbor at the airport and my aunt at a bus stop near by. It was a tight squeeze in the car but it was alright. My cousin Reem helped me unpack (I chose to do it right away because I wanted my pajamas ready incase I needed a kip midday) and we had a takeaway for lunch. It wasn't an overly interesting day at all except for a couple of things. 1st, the cute old Turkish ladies I saw at the airport in J-Town. Oh they were having a complete fit because the bathroom was dirty, and this chubby Egyptian lady tried to calm them down but they didn't know any arabic at all. It was a funny sight. 2nd, Mom and I had the last seats on the plane. It was so funny, they were additional seats placed so far back you were practially back-to-back with the toilet. It was an OK flight though... I hate being in the back because of the turbulence though.
The 8th:
I'm not sure much happened that day. Mom and I took a cab down to a street full of stores, better stocked than the ones by our house. We bought all the bare nessescities although our neighbor (same one here) had helped stock our fridge with some essentials (bottled water, cheese, some bread, cucumbers, onions, potatos, okra, chicken, etc) but we needed more like milk, eggs, fruit & veg, etc.. After that, I dont think we did much. Mom was pretty tired and she had to unpack and whatnot so I think it was pretty uneventful. My aunt came over later though, and she was spending the night because the next day we had a family reunion.
The 9th:
Family reunion day. My cousin Reem (Female..) wasn't feeling well in the morning, her auntie flo (get it?) came for a visit and it left her writhing in bed in pain. They hadn't bought a present for my uncle's birthday, so her brother, Kareem, and I went to Roxy Square (yes it's a real place) to find him something nice, and to exchange money for mom. I believe we also went to La Poire and bought cake because it was my uncle's birthday and he had invited a ton of people over to our house for a party (His cousins + wives + kids, His fiance, His friend +wife+ kids, my other aunt + husband + 3 kids = 24 people all in all). I like to think of this party as a family reunion because they also came over to welcome us back home. Anyways... There were kids everywhere, but not in a bad way. They ran around our guest living room/salon/dinig area-reception, while their parents sat chatting in our living room. My cousins and I just stood there snapping pictures. I'm sorry the term cousin is very vaguely used here because I have a lot of cousins. Anyways, the oldest cousin (or second oldest.. i forget) is a graduate from police school, or whatever the hell you call it... and he had brought his gun (which wasn't a fatal one or anything, it just made a lot of noise and gave you the burnt bullet afterwards) to fire a few shots out of our window for show/to wish my uncle a happy birthday... As he sat there cleaning the gun though, the kids were staring at it in wonder.. they didn't think it was the real thing, and he didnt let on either. He said it squirted water, so they'd leave him alone. They did. But when he shot .. they went crazy. Jaws dropping, and excited giggles and the whole lot. It was really cute. He did know what he was doing and I kept them well away from him while he stuck half his body out of our window and aimed at the sky. He told me I could keep a couple of the bullets (the ones he fired) and he handed them to me after everyone left. I was well grateful, they look so freaking cool!!! The night ended nicely, and it was so lovely to see everyone.
Also, meeting my uncle's fiance for the first time was quite good. She was a sweetheart.
The 10th
My aunt, the one that stayed over previously, stayed over again. I woke up late to find Kareem watching TV, and his sister not there. She was at a dentist appointment with her father (who is no longer married to my Aunt may I add) and Kareem was going to join them for lunch later. My aunt and my mom cooked lunch and I didn't do much either, played chess on my computer and read a book and whatnot. It wasn't very interesting. My aunt left later at night. My uncle had also promised to pass by, but he hadn't. When I almost lost hope, he knocked our door at 10:30. He stayed for dinner and some dessert and left later.
The 11th
The 11th was exciting for a number of reasons. SPAIN WON THE WORLD CUP!! And because I finally set up a math tutor to come and give me full lessons. Our neighbors from downstairs (3rd floor, we're on the 7th) came up to say hello. The man is a math teacher, he gave me a few excersices and asserted that I have a very good head on my shoulders and that I would not need more than 10 sessions. Very good to know right? ... I think so.
The 12th
Today we waited for the internet man to come along. He did eventually and I got this cool little USB modem gizmo. I like it honestly. Anyways mom and I were supposed to go to the movies and I was all excited about showing you what I wore when 5 steps out of our street I got the most crippling cramps I've ever had. I had to rush upstairs and pant and scream in my bedroom till mom dialed the pharmacy and he brought me some medicine. The cramps eased an hour later, but mom and I didnt go out for fear they might come back and I'd be a right sight in the middle of the mall. Dad is comming tomorrow, but we won't be meeting him at the airport because we don't have a car. That, and because he's coming at 9:30 in the morning and I dont think I'll even be awake then. I've been out here for a long time, typing this blog and checking out other blogs I'm following and right now I think it's time to leave. I'll hopefully be able to keep you posted now that I have internet access.

I'm hungry. Bye!
Ok so this might be the least sinister looking photo I have. Let me assert that the gun is indeed empty. It's just a shell. He had all the dangerous stuff in his pocket so as not to harm anybody.

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